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As Insolvency Practitioners our role is to help those in debt.
Get debt help
Get debt help
*Please note, entering into a debt solution can affect your credit rating for at least 72 months, fees may be payable if ongoing services are provided. A follow up call will be required to confirm details outlined in your enquiry, at which point we will be able to discuss which solutions you qualify for.

Our role is to find a workable debt solution catered around your situation and there are more options than you think.
The role we perform takes many forms and those we help include individuals who have loans, credit cards and other debts (such as Council Tax arrears) as much as it does businesses who are suffering cashflow or debt problems, including monies owed to HM Revenue & Customs.

We also offer support for businesses
We help businesses when they are in debt or when they are facing serious cashflow problems.
Your online digital debt help tool. Our user-friendly online debt service is designed to make getting the support you need available to you, in a convenient and stress-free manner, just for you.
To find other sources of free advice visit MoneyHelper. It’s here to listen and give free, impartial, trusted guidance. Based around you and backed by government.
J3 Debt Solutions Limited is registered in Scotland, registered company address: 144 No. 1 West Regent Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 1RW, company registration number SC612868, Information Commissioner’s Office registration number ZA474414. J3 Debt Solutions Limited is a firm of Licenced Insolvency Practitioners. Jamie Carmichael is authorised to act as an Insolvency Practitioner in the UK by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland. Our Professional Indemnity Insurer is CNA insurance Company Limited, 13th Floor, 20 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3BY and our Professional Indemnity Insurance policy number is 10321330. The territorial coverage is worldwide. The solutions on this page are only applicable if you reside in Scotland. We will only provide advice after completing or receiving an initial fact find where the individual(s) concerned meets the criteria for one of our insolvency solutions, therefore, all advice is given in reasonable contemplation of an insolvency solution.
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